Premium CBD Products Near You greater Flint and surrounding areas

CBD is the second most abundant cannabinoid in marijuana and can have a positive and considerable impact on well-being. Belonging to a list of over a hundred different compounds, with each cannabinoid interacting in a unique way with the human body, cannabidiol (CBD) influences the entire endocannabinoid system (ECS). It supports how the system functions and regulates the production of beneficial enzymes.

CBD doesn’t share the psychoactive properties of THC. It won’t cause a high sensation. It’s thought to create a suppressive effect on the enzyme FAAH, which is a molecule behind the breaking down and destruction of anandamide (AEA). Anandamide was the first discovered endocannabinoid and plays a role in memory, appetite, depression, pain and fertility. CBD can ensure that more anandamide stays in your system for extended periods. That’s a very good thing.

In recent years, the cannabis industry has pursued CBD-rich strains. The Green Bean continues to champion natural health and wellness through the holistic powers of cannabis. We offer our medical patients a diverse line of meticulously crafted CBD products backed by exceptional service. Browse in-store, shop on-line, call in your order to save time and feel comfortable discussing your needs, concerns and expectations with our budtenders.

Methods of consuming CBD include:

  • CBD oils
  • Dabbing
  • Edibles
  • Smoking
  • Suppositories
  • Tinctures & Sprays
  • Topicals
  • Transdermal Patches
  • Vaping

Visit our store today and find the CBD that works for you

Flint, Burton, Genesee, Fenton, Flushing, Grand Blanc, Atlas, Holly, Swartz Creek, Davison, Hadley, Linden, and Durand, MI
We strive to make sure you always have very good reasons to say … “I get my green at the Green Bean“. Setting the standard for dispensaries across Flint, Burton, Genesee, Fenton, Flushing, Grand Blanc, Atlas, Holly, Swartz Creek, Davison, Hadley, Linden, and Durand, MI, we’ve created a welcoming environment where you’ll find compassion, honest information and a shared pursuit of better quality of life. The potential benefits of CBD are incredible, including dozens of physiological processes. The Green Bean is here to help you find what works best for you. Visit our shop in Flint today!

Doctor Certifications

The Green Bean offers consultations to help you through the process of obtaining a medical card as well as renewals.

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Daily Deals

Take a look at our current specials of the week, PLUS enjoy 10% off for Vets & GM Workers.

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Meet the Team

Our helpful budtenders look forward to serving you! Click the button below to learn more about who we are.

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